Python has made life extremely easy for developers and data scientists, at least most of the time. One exception that ruins their life is dealing with Python versions. There would sometimes be lots of Pythons existing on a Mac at the same time. Where are they from? Are they provided by Apple? Which one am I using? Where did the packages I installed go? This article would give some insights into those questions.
《由加利福尼亚州 Apple 公司设计》序言
《Designed by Apple in California》 是 Apple 在 2016 年推出的一本设计图册。这是一本几乎没有文字的书,但其中精心拍摄的产品图片记录着 Apple 从 1998 年到 2015 年的历史,也记录着站在这些产品背后的人。推出之始,这本书的价格对我来说无疑劝退,但当四年之后它濒临售罄时,我终于再度想起了它,并通过日本的代购让其中的一本远渡重洋,来到了我的手中。
在 20 岁临近末尾的时候,我的生活发生了最令人激动的变化之一:我决定打破中规中矩的本科生活,选择用延迟毕业一年的代价,参加一次在德国的学期交换以及一次美国的访问学者项目。大约 5 个月后,我出现在凌晨的慕尼黑机场里,来回踱步以化解困意。那是我保持相对清醒最长的一次,也是我觉得最能概括我游学经历的一天。
Setting Up Shadowsocks Service on an Ubuntu Server
This tutorial illustrates steps for setting up a Shadowsocks server on Ubuntu system. Time to embrace a bigger world!
A Memo for Time Series Analysis
Time series analysis focus on the analysis of random variable sequences. In this article, I would briefly review the basic definitions and properties of time series, the typical models, and the prediction of time series. The concepts and formulas are from Applicational Time Series Analysis by Shuyuan He, published by Peking University Express.
Capture Rectilinear RGBD Data with iPhone
A rectilinear RGBD image will help a lot in computer vision tasks, such as 3D reconstruction. This tutorial will illustrate how to capture RGBD data with iPhone, export the data to Python, and rectify the data.
To the glory of consciousness in the freezing universe.
和 Tim Cook 自拍,参与 Apple Fifth Avenue 的重新开业活动,购买 Apple Watch Series 5,在纽约街上躺着过夜,走过纽约的著名景点。24 小时中,发生了无数以前根本没有想过的疯狂的事情。